How do I contribute to the NW Biobank?

It’s easy: just respond to our letter when you receive it, or click "Join" below if you've recieved an email invitation from us. You can also call 503.335.2419.

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Our Progress

So far, we have invited almost 90,000 Kaiser Permanente Northwest health plan members to contribute to the NW Biobank, reaching out to people with conditions genetic researchers want to study. These include:

  • 2,347 members with high blood pressure
  • 5,565 members with a history of breast cancer
  • 20,847 members with diabetes
  • 5,797 members who either have or are at high risk for ovarian cancer
  • 1,583 members with prostate cancer

We have also invited members with other kinds of cancer, depression, insomnia and users of the drug Plavix.

We’ve had a positive response—with over 12,500 members allowing us to collect their samples.

Our ultimate goal is to invite all adult members of KPNW—about 300,000 people.

Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research - 3800 N. Interstate Ave. - Portland, OR 97227